Goal 3: Enhance Campus Safety
From SGA:
Accessibility on campus is a major issue that is in constant need for advocacy, since accessibility is always improving. At Florida State University, we are committed to providing a quality education to all qualified students or any other legally protectedgroup status.
Within the Student Government Association, there have been various discussions to create a Disability Student Union as an agency or bureau on campus. By formally supporting this cause and garnering support, this idea can become a reality -as an entity to advocate or program for this particular community. Additionally, The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) was established to serve as an advocate for Florida State students with disabilities and ensure that reasonable accommodations are provided. Providing services to more than 5000 students, the Student Disability Resource Center is committed to ensuring the success of each Florida State University student. However, there is a need for more resources provided by the SDRC to accomodate for those who require transportation around campus to classes
Tangibles given
Plausible ideas to further implement housing safety mechanisms are being reviewed and discussed with FSU Administration and FSUPD.

Self-Reported Status:
Our Verified Status:
Evaluation Metric
Creation of a Disability Student Union as agency or bureau, more resources to SDRC
Action Log
Grade Explanation
Recommended Improvements