Goal 5: Accountability
From SGA:
A campus survey on the SGA website will be a means in which the student body can anonymously express their concerns and submit initiatives they desire to see. As SGA serves as a liaison for students and the faculty, the survey will be taken to faculty once the results are tallied. The survey will be sent out to all students through FSU emails and will be linked on the my.fsu.edu page.
The survey will ask the following such questions: what made you decide to come to Florida State, rate your opinion on campus issues (parking, dining, diversity and inclusion, mental health and wellness, tuition), recommendations to facilitate student parking, most effective forms of communication, questions based on the platform points, basic information about the student taking the survey (age, major, involvement), and the providing space for any specific concerns that SGA can address in the following year. Students who participate in the survey will enter into a raffle to receive a prize, such as an extra football ticket, FSU cash, etc.
Tangibles given
This initiative is ongoing through Secretary of Fulfilment & Strategic Initiatives Garner

Self-Reported Status:
Our Verified Status:
In the Works
Evaluation Metric
Implement Campus Survey, in emails and my.fsu.edu.
Action Log
Grade Explanation
Recommended Improvements