Goal 2: Engage the Student Body
From SGA:
Through the retreat, students leaders within all areas of the Student Government Association will be able to build connections with one another, receive training for their roles, and increase collaboration opportunities with their programming. The retreatwill foster cohesiveness and dialogue between organizations that otherwise do not get the opportunity.
There are events available for Agency leaders to receive training while transitioning into their roles, yet there lacks an opportunity for student leaders in other areas of the Student Government Association to collaborate with one another. The retreat will be offered annually as an enhanced opportunity for personal and professional development. During the retreat,leaders will be able to assess their personal and organizational leadership action plan, while given a space to learn how other organizations seek to be supported.
Tangibles given
The Executive Branch hosted our retreat in Tallahassee at the FSU Reservation in August.

Self-Reported Status:
Our Verified Status:
Evaluation Metric
A council of presidents retreat
Action Log
10/16/19 - Self-reported as complete
10/19/19 - Verification requested
11/4/19 - Executive Cabinet meeting, confirmed that the retreat happened, requested photos
Grade Explanation
The Council of Presidents Retreat took place on 8/24/19. Here is a photo taken at the retreat.
Recommended Improvements
It's recommended that SGA shares what was discussed at the retreat and how the communication helps going forward.