Goal 2: Engage the Student Body
From SGA:
To engage with fellow Student Governments across the State of Florida and throughout the State University System to exchange ideas, collaborate on initiatives, and advocate for student issues such as College Affordability.
The Florida Student Association serves as a statewide board comprised of every Student Body President within the State of Florida’s State University System. Students who attend institutions of higher education through the State University System number over 300,000. Our power, if organized and efficient, can be maximized in advocacy through numbers. The Florida Student Association plays a large role in representing students across the state. Additionally, as a student government we can host an all-agency event with FAMU and TCC to collaborate with the other Universities in the Tallahassee community
Tangibles given
The Steinberg, Lee, Dawkins administration has continuously prioritized the importance of engaging with other Student Governments. In August, the Student Government Associations of TCC, FAMU, & FSU alongside Mayor Dailey of Tallahassee filmed a Welcome video - welcoming all students to Tallahassee and to the start of the academic year. Additionally, both administrations at FSU & FAMU have prioritized attending events at each institution including FAMU & TCC attending a Student Senate meeting at FSU, as well as FAMU and FSU speaking together at a CARE GBM, as well as FSU attending FAMU inauguration in the fall.
Additionally, FSU has made it a priority to attend Florida Student Association meetings which occur monthly, and also attending the annual ACC Days at the Capitol conference in Washington D.C. alongside the other ACC Student Government Associations.
Over the summer, FSU SGA made it a priority to visit the Panama City Campus to visit their Student Government Council, in order to best understand the needs of their students. We visited with students, faculty, staff, and administration on the campus including their Student Government Council President and the Dean of the College of Applied Studies and of the Panama City Campus, Dean Hanna. Panama City has also visited the Tallahassee campus two additional times, to network with our Student Government leaders and to learn more about initiatives to bring back to Panama City.

Self-Reported Status:
Our Verified Status:
In Progress
Evaluation Metric
Form demonstratable relationships with other Student Governments
Action Log
On the weekend of May 18-19 2019, the Executive Branch attended the Student Government Institute in Gainesville, hosted by UF's SGA. Grade unchanged but progress reported, waiting on more efforts.
Grade Explanation
SGA Represenatives filmed a welcome video with Mayor John Dailey welcoming students to Tallahassee. FAMU and TCC SGAs atteded an FSU Senate meeting, FAMU and FSU spoke tgether at a CARE GBM, and FSU attended the FAMU inauguration in the fall. SGA claims that it has made it a priority to attend Florida Student Association meetings monthly, but does not specify attendance.
SGA also visited FSU's Panama City campus over the summer, speaking with students, faculty, and staff. Students from that campus have also visited the Tallahassee campus as well.
The efforts made by this administration are clear and demonstrated. Confirmation of attendance at FSA meetings is requested, and the grade will then be posted.
Additionally, the platform point shows that SGA will advocate for student issues. Showing that an issue has been advocated for, using this network, will warrant an A grade.
Recommended Improvements
Use the state-wide student coalition to advocate for some need for students.