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Goal 6: Further FSU Strategic Plan


Goal II: Amplifying Excellence Across our Academic & Research

From SGA:


As a university currently increasing in the ranks, our Florida State degree should demand respect across the world. Florida State reputation as being excellent is rooted in the idea that our academic programs and research are forever gaining national recognition. For that reason, we deem it necessary to support the strategic point of innovating and encouraging student investment.


The Florida State University Student Foundation is a direct support organization that works to support the enrichment of Florida State University and its students. The first of its kind, it works to raise funds that and allocate them across campus which inherently increase the value of our degrees. For that reason, we want to support the Student Foundation in their efforts and encourage students to invest in the university that invests in them every day.

Tangibles given

This initiative is ongoing through Secretary of Fulfilment & Strategic Initiatives Garner


Self-Reported Status: 


Our Verified Status: 

In the Works



Evaluation Metric

Action Log

  • 10/16/19 - Self-reported as complete

  • 10/19/19 - Verification requested

Grade Explanation

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