Goal 2: Engage the Student Body
From SGA:
Traditions for graduating students, increase the tradition surrounding graduation and enhance the graduation experience, through easing the heat associated with taking graduation pictures, and implementing initiatives at 'hot spots' on campus, such as the Heritage Fountain and Westcott.
None given
Tangibles given

Self-Reported Status:
Not Completed
Our Verified Status:
Removed from Tracker
Evaluation Metric
Initiatives designed to enhance the graduation experience.
Action Log
1/23/20 - Email sent to executive board inquiring about the removal of the platform point
2/8/20 - After no response, follow-up email sent
2/17/20 - No response, graded as F
Grade Explanation
The platform point has been removed from the tracker. An archived version of the initiative tracker can be found here, where one can find the point listed under "Engage the student body". Sometime between 1/23/20, the point was removed, shown on an archived version of the site here.
Multiple emails addressing multiple executive branch members have gone unanswered, and it is unclear why this was removed. Promising an initiative and then removing it off the platform tracker violates the integrity, transparency and accountability of the tracker. An F grade is assigned, for both the lack of completion in the initiative and the questonable ethical conflict in removing the point.
Recommended Improvements
Including the point back on the platform tracker and completing it.