Goal 3: Enhance Campus Safety
From SGA:
In order for students to feel safe while living on-campus at Florida State, it is important to prevent non-residents from easily entering residence halls. By understanding and accessing our current University Housing security systems, we can work to strike a balance between accessibility, community, and safety to give students the best possible experience.
Currently, there are some student concerns surrounding University Housing security practices. With new residence halls being built and old ones being consistently renovated, it is important that halls are equipped with the best possible security measures to protect students from hostile parties. Better educating and training both staff and students about the dangers of people tailgating into residence halls, increasing surveillance at exit and entry points, installing additional security checkpoints within resident halls, and assessing the function/safety of automatic doors are all important steps in supporting our housing community.
Tangibles given
During the #AllAccess Disability Awareness Week, the Student Government Association launched a social media campaign in order to educate fellow students on how to best be inclusive and how to be better allies for students with disabilities at Florida State University.
Secretary of Accessibility Winn assisted in a partnership with University of Choice and Student Alumni Association to introduce the first Inclusion Award, which was included in the Homecoming Parade festivities. Homecoming floats were judged on various accessibility categories including visual accessibility, mobility, and sound. The float that was considered "most accessible and inclusive" was recognized by University of Choice.
Secretary of Accessibility Winn continues to work on initiatives to increase Accessibility within the Student Government Association.

Self-Reported Status:
Our Verified Status:
In Progress
Evaluation Metric
Study the best way to increase housing safety and implement it
Action Log
Grade Explanation
Recommended Improvements