Goal 4: Awareness and Transparency
From SGA:
To increase transparency and engagement with students through the various social media platforms and keep the student body updates!
There is a currently a monthly calendar on the SGA website that lists out all of SGA’s events for the month. While the information is coherent, the data will be more transparent if posted on social media platforms as well. That way, more students will be in the loop for the month's events. Furthermore, another approach to be transparent and engaging with studentsis through Newsletters. The newsletters would contain information for programs, applications, and segments for education, such as #VoicesofFSU. The newsletters would be sent out to the student’s FSU email on a bi-weekly basis. Students can sign-up for thenewsletter through any involvement tabling opportunities, as well as involvement with the Agencies and Bureaus. This would be in collaboration with the Secretary of Communications and a committee to create the graphics and to compile the information.
Tangibles given
Please see the Executive Branch Newsletter which is located under the Executive Branch tab on the SGA website.

Self-Reported Status:
Our Verified Status:
Evaluation Metric
Sending a complete monthly calendar/newsletter to the student body.
Action Log
10/16/19 - Self-reported as complete
10/19/19 - Verification requested
11/6/19 - Verified that the newsletters have been posted.
Grade Explanation
Newsletters can be found here: Exec Branch Website
Recommended Improvements
Continue publishing the monthly newsletters.