Goal 4: Awareness and Transparency
From SGA:
To engage students outside of Thagard and the Oglesby Student Union. The Executive Branch will meet with students in different areas of campus to Bring SGA to them.
Office hours are held on the 4th floor of Thagard and are posted online and published, yet numerous students do not know where Thagard is or choose to not go up to the 4th floor. In order to fully Bring SGA to our Student Body, we will host office hours out of the office throughout the semester to fully engage students. Various Office hours will be Einsteins with Evan, Subway with Stephanie, and Chick Fil a with Caleb.
Tangibles given
Through the efforts of Press Secretary Francis and Secretary of Student Engagement Duncan all members of the Executive Branch and the Executive Cabinet hosted 'Outside of the Office, Office Hours' in November all throughout campus in order to outreach to different areas of campus.

Self-Reported Status:
Our Verified Status:
Evaluation Metric
Hosting regular Out of The Office Hours
Action Log
11/4/19 - SGA announces Out of The Office Hours with three executive cabinet members over the week of 10/11
11/12/19 - SGA announces Out of The Office Hours with Chief of Staff, Deputy COS, and all three executive officers.
11/19/19 - SGA announces Out of The Office Hours with four more Executive Cabinet members
Grade Explanation
The first Outside of The Office Hours are being hosted more than 10 weeks into the school year. The platform point lists that the Outside Office Hours will be hosted "throughout the semester" and with the Executive Branch. All members of the Executive Branch hosted office hours throughout the 10th and 11th weeks of the Fall semester.
A B grade is assigned, because this is not "throughout the semester," but in the last four weeks of the semester.
Recommended Improvements
SGA must meet its promise to the student body, in full, to yield an A grade. More regular Outside Office Hours, with other Cabinet members and the Board members, will yield an A grade.