Goal 2: Engage the Student Body
From SGA:
Florida State University is rich of traditions, especially within Athletics. In partnership with organizations, such as Seminole Boosters and the Student Athletic Advisory Committee, we want to develop a new spirit organization comprised of students who are filled with Seminole Pride.
We believe we are in an extremely pivotal time in FSU Athletics History where there is opportunity to create new traditions to spark more loyalty in all fans.We will partner with organizations on campus to create new spirit chants that can be taught across campus and eventually at freshman orientation. These chants will be student-led in the student sections at athletic events in order to facilitate a camaraderie within the student section in support for athletic teams, win or lose. These chants will led by students within the student section.
Tangibles given
The Student Government Association is dedicated to our partnership with other student organizations such as the Seminole Student Boosters and the Student Athletic Advisory Council. SGA worked with Student Boosters organization on a variety of initiatives including the implementation of the NoleZone student section initiated through the Men's Basketball Program. SGA was involved in the planning, coordination, and support of the NoleZone in the early phases - and will continue to do so as the student section continues to grow. Furthermore, SGA was integral in coordinating the first annual Welcome Week Pep Rally aimed as a tradition for new students, to interact with our Athletic Coaches and other facets of the University community including SAAC and NPHC.

Self-Reported Status:
Our Verified Status:
Evaluation Metric
New spirit organization, new spirit chants
Action Log
Grade Explanation
Recommended Improvements