Goal 1: Advocate for Student Voices
From SGA:
Implemented already in multiple university systems across the country, an Open Educational Resource Grant Program would greatly benefit the student body. Open Source textbooks provide professors an affordable textbook option that provides the same information as a hard copy textbook.
Faculty members across the University system would be eligible to apply for grants in order to use, adapt, or develop an Open source textbook to use for their courses. Essentially the grant would allow students to access a textbook online for free and the student wouldn’t have to buy a textbook. Additionally, this program which has been enacted in other states would mandate instructors of higher education to include on syllabi if courses have Open Source educational resources or if required coursematerial will be at a cost to the student.
Tangibles given
Through the Office of Governmental Affairs, FSU SGA has been the primary entity who advocated for an Open Educational Resource Grant Program in the State of Florida, modeled after Grant programs in Texas, California, Georgia, North Carolina, Oregon, and New York. A Bill has been filled in the Legislature for an OER program. Additionally, FSU SGA has been an advocate of University Libraries Grant Program and student representatives serve directly on both the Open Educational Resource Committee and the Alternative Textbook Grant Committee both under University Libraries.

Self-Reported Status:
Our Verified Status:
Evaluation Metric
Implementation of an Open Educational Resource Grant Program
Action Log
Grade Explanation
Senate Bill 602 was filed on 10/22/19 in the Florida Senate, and House Bill 1377 was filed on 1/13/2020 in the Florida House. They would establish an Open Educational Resources Grant Program
Recommended Improvements