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Yolanda St. Fleur

Section 1006.751 of the Florida Statutes requires the Board of Governors of the State University System of Florida to publish an online dashboard designed to help students make better informed decisions about their educational and future employment opportunities. The dashboard serves as an online planning tool that provides Florida students and parents with relevant graduate outcome information from the Florida University systems. The tool allows users to explore data such as employment, salary and debt by individual institution. This website is to be updated every two (2) years.

Students can access this tool on the State University System of Florida website, under MyFloridaFuture, FSU’s Admissions page, in the Quick Links section, and on the Career Center’s website, on the homepage.

Key Takeaways

1. Using the Earnings over time tab, students can compare post graduate earnings for each academic program at one (1), five (5), and ten (10) years after graduation. The tool allows students to narrow results by institution, degree level and major.

2. Using the Compare earnings tab, students can compare low, median and high wages of multiple programs simultaneously. Students will be able to narrow results by institution, degree level, cohort year and major.

3. Using the Beyond the Bachelor’s tab, students can explore earning potential over time from pursuing additional education beyond the bachelor’s degree. Students will be able to narrow results by institution and major.

4. Using the Earnings by Major Group tab, students can view interquartile ranges for post-graduation earnings in a single display for quick comparison. Students will be able to narrow results by institution, cohort year and degree level.

5. Using the Typical Loan Amounts tab, students will be able to examine the proportion of students in the university system who graduate with student loan debt. The tool allows you to explore results by major and breaks down several factors that impact student loans such as living expenses, financial need, tuition & fees, etc.

6. Using the Loans Over Time tab, students can explore the projected monthly student loan debt payments as a proportion of monthly earning over a ten (10) year period. This section allows students to see how the decision to choose one major over another can affect the ability to pay different loan amounts over time.


The Torchlight Campus Policy Center

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