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Student Senate Voter Registration Guide

Yolanda St. Fleur

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

Author: Yolanda St. Fleur

On October 2nd, 2020, Florida State's Student Senate hosted a Virtual Voter Registration Drive. The current Student Senate President, Ahmad Daraldik, Chair of Student Life and Academic Affairs Committee, Sasha Martin, and Student Senator Travis Waters presented a guide on voter registration and engagement.

The event was hosted to offer insight on how to take part in the electoral process, as well as to give members of the student body an understanding as to why you should vote and how to get registered to do so.

In collaboration with the Campus Election Engagement Project, an initiative designed in getting students out to vote and allowing their voices to be heard, the speakers answer 4 different questions in this presentation:

  • Why vote?

  • How can I take part in helping with the election?

  • How can I be an informed voter?

  • How to register to vote in Florida?

They continue by going through the acceptable forms of Voter ID, important dates to remember, and conclude with an open discussion on why voting is important to them.

Here are some key takeaways from the drive:

Why Vote (in the words of the senators)?

  1. Voting strengthens our community: It brings us together as Americans, and by taking part in the electoral process, you can shape your community based upon your ideals.

  2. Empowerment: Voting is empowering and provides us with control over our everyday lives.

  3. Have your voice heard: To effectively participate in our democracy, every voter must understand the rules in their estate and how to vote.

  4. Equity/liberation: Voting is the one time we are all equal. When we vote, we all have the same say.

How can I take part in helping with the election?

  1. As part of the FSUVotes initiative, in collaboration with Leon County’s Supervisor of Elections office, students can serve as volunteers at the vote by mail drop-off locations across Leon County.

  2. If voting in person, check to see if friends and or family would like a ride to their designated precinct.

  3. Text and or call friends and family members to make sure they are registered to vote and have a voting plan.

  4. Host or join a presidential debate watch party.

  5. If you are a leader or member of an RSO, agency or bureau, have events centered around getting out the vote.

How Can I Be an Informed Voter?

  1. Figure out what issues matter to you.

  2. Learn about the candidates, which government offices they are running for, and what issues matter to them.

  3. Check out websites like Ballotpedia, ProjectVoteSmart, and FSUVotes for in-depth information about candidates.

How to Register to Vote in Florida?

  1. Be a citizen of the USA. Lawful permanent residents (people who are green card holders) cannot vote.

  2. Be a Florida resident.

  3. Be at least 18 years of age (you can pre-register at age 16).

  4. Have not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state, unless the right to vote has been restored.

What is a valid form of Voter ID?

Any valid ID with both a photo and a signature will work.

Important Dates to Remember

  • Register to vote by October 5th*

  • The last day to request an absentee ballot is 10 days before the election

  • Early voting starts October 19th and ends November 1st**

  • Return your absentee ballot by 7 pm the day of the election

  • Election Day is November 3rd

*The deadline was extended to October 6th by 7pm due to a crash on the state registration site.

**In the presentation the early voting period is listed as starting on October 19th and ending November 2nd however, the early voting period ends on November 1st. According to the Florida Department of State, early voting must end on the 3rd day before the election.

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